Today, LONE SURVIVOR is coming out on Steam, for Mac and PC.
It’s normally priced at $9.99 / £6.99, but it’s 20% off for the first week!
So if Steam’s your platform of choice, and you’ve been waiting for news, or just for the first official sale – well, here it is!
Now, the other thing that’s special about this release of the game, is that it’s NOT LONE SURVIVOR.
That’s right!
What does this mean???
It means:
Allows ESC to quit from the title screen or game over screen
Hunger increases 10% slower
Stealth movement 10% faster
Thinman patrol pause shortened
Red ending ‘officially’ added (although will be extended in LS:YELLOW later in the year)
Red ending requirements changed
Blue / red path ranks made more difficult
A few more contributing factors added
A new logo and icon
Tweaked art in the basement / ground floor to remove pure black pixels
Removed glitchy pixels from the side of the ammo store
Tin of pickles now has a description
Elevator upstairs gives message if powered
Save game is cleaned up: all traces of the old system removed
Save game no longer creates a Flash Shared Object except for volume settings
Numerous typos corrected
??? won’t trade unless you’ve met him
???’s name only appears once you’ve met him
Map hints disabled if not carrying the correct map
Some small, secret mechanic changes, mostly fixes
Some re-balancing to mental health-dependent descriptions
Can opener room door made a tiny bit clearer
The cat works
And these things are fixed:
Mac black screen issue no longer an issue
Panic attacks disabled in the boss sequence (which could rarely cause a corrupted save)
Fixed bug where it was possible to re-trigger the elevator sequence
Fixed bug with text boxes not reverting to interactive mode on game completion
Fundamental engine changes in cutscene / dialogue handling:
All world and object descriptions now have the player non-interactive
Last-resort freeze check & correct for scripts that don’t return control
Tweaks to the way sprites allow player interaction when simulating hotspots (solves the freezes related to positioning)
Cat / doll / stove / Gamejoy / bucket / hospital door freezes fixed by the above methods
Rare slowdown issue fixed (related to AIR system chrome setting, now disabled)

First Aid Edition Limited Run
I’d also like to announce that I’m winding down the First Aid Edition. It’s coming close to 200 purchases, which after tax, fees and so on gives me a good chunk of time to work on freeware work.
So I’ve decided to make it a limited edition run of 200. The game will be removed for sale after that.
My reason is that it looks as if the game will enter profit now, and I don’t want to be greedy and ask more money than I need to survive. I really appreciate all the support the First Aid customers have shown, so thankyou to each and every one of you.
One of the things I plan to do with this time is to flesh out LS3D a bit more, and release it to the public as freeware.
I’ll print 250 art cards in the next couple of weeks, and sign and mail the 200 out, keeping the others back for special occasions and replacements for lost ones.
And finally…
I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone for playing the game and sharing your thoughts. It’s been so great to hear from you all, in blogs, comments, emails and so on. I’m so glad people seem to like the game and I keep being surprised at the reviews and things that come in.
– Jasper