hey there, it’s coming up on the 10 year anniversary, March 27th 2022, and i’ve got some pretty exciting news: if all goes to plan, i should be launching the brand new, remastered version of the original game, until now codenamed Lone Survivor Remastered.

i’ve actually decided to go back to the SUPER LONE SURVIVOR title for it, despite it not containing the new protagonist and their scenario, which i’ll now be doing as a full length game entitled LONE WARRIOR, once SUPER LONE SURVIVOR is released.
i’m hoping to release SUPER LONE SURVIVOR on PC and Switch at the same time, depending on how long certification and bug fixing takes. the game is in great shape and i’m super excited to share this new version. at the very least i want to drop it on PC on the anniversary.
the game features full joypad support on PC for multiple pads and has customisable button prompts as well as other options like scanline strength, and whether to enable the new blood effects. there is customisable rumble support on all Xbox pads.
the other huge new feature is the 4:3 presentation. all the original art has been painstakingly redrawn to make use of this taller aspect ratio, using the original methods, while adding parallax scrolling layers for additional depth. the game is switchable from its original 16:9 presentation to 4:3 at any time with the touch of a button. as low as 640×480 resolution is supported, so vintage CRT’s that support VGA / 31Khz type signals should be able to play the game. i may look into a 240p mode too – it works, it’s just adding the UI for it if the demand is there. it would be cool to play it on an old TV though.

the lighting and shaders have been massively improved over the original game, there are now realtime shadows, the scrolling is now ultra smooth and the game supports all monitor aspect ratios with appropriate bars. the game supports up to 8K resolutions and beyond, making it hopefully more future proof. the higher the res you run it, the smoother the scrolling and lighting effects.
all of the music and sounds have been painstakingly tracked down and recreated in full uncompressed audio, compared to the original’s 128kbps mp3’s.
i’m now working on a couple of optional secrets, and possibly even a few secret locations, we’ll have to see how it comes together, but i’ve got a few ideas to expand the game without hopefully upsetting the balance at all
i look forward to sharing it with you