Welcome to www.lonesurvivor.co.uk
Just a very quick post to say all’s going well for launch.
The video’s done (but not live yet), www.lonesurvivor.co.uk is done and now live, as the title of this post suggests. You’ll be able to buy the game there next Tuesday.
The enormous mountain of press and promotion emails is getting smaller slowly. I just re-submitted to Steam.
I’m going to start the demo later on, or tomorrow. I hope I can get it done on time!
Sort of flying at the moment, I don’t know if it’s excitement or delirium. I’m glad to mostly done with the promotional material though, it’s not the part of the job I enjoy the most!
I like Lone Survival too…
Will it be realeasedfor smartphones?
Man great game, piece of art,i LOVE the story line…inspired me. i loved it.touched me
Come on! Its 8AM on the 27th in the UK, hurry and post the game! 😉 Getting ansy here. (grin)
It is already 27 and I am still waiting, can’t hold the excitement!
Only 5 more days!