Post mortem of a dead game

Well I never made it to submission for Ludum Dare 15 (I finished that basic game at 1am, but realised I was too tired to package it up.) But I’m really glad I entered as it’s possibly opened up a major door for me…

It’s very close to what I had in mind for my first chapter of Amnesia Stories, the ‘prequels’ to Amnesia, a game I may never get round to making. In fact, the boy looks like a young Yuuki, the main character, and so this may well become the first chapter of said prequels. I think I’ve got something a little special, atmosphere-wise, and it’s a great template for the guaging exactly how long it would take to put a scenario together for AS.

So if you’re interested in 2D survival horror, keep an eye on this blog in the coming months, as there may be goodness contained herein!

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