Posts Tagged ‘ Ludum Dare


My entry into Ludum Dare 48.  It’s a game about my dad, set in Liverpool of the 60’s where he’d recently emigrated to.  Made in under 48 hours. I’m actually pretty happy with how it turned out, although I appreciate it’s fairly personal and may not have the same weight for other people! I certainly giggled a lot while making it, partly from exhaustion though maybe.

It’s written in RPGMaker 2003, so it’s Windows only I’m afraid.  I’ve based the visuals on a ZX Spectrum with a slightly tweaked palette to make it more digestible.

Very happy to have something finished to share with you guys again though!

Click the image to go to the game download page.

New game – Psychic Prison Break

This is the first ever finished game to be written entirely in HAL, the editor / scripting language I’ve been working on for six years. The project really helped me see what I need to do to improve the language and tool, so for that it’s been invaluable. I’m reasonably happy with how quicky I could get new content in with it.

I entered it into the 48 hour game compo, Ludum Dare. The theme was ‘Enemies as Weapons’. Here’s a screenie, to whet your appetite – would love to get your feedback over on the submission page!

Link to the entry page, where you can play it now.

Ludum Dare 15 – Untitled Cave Game

The idea is to find your way out of the cave, your only weapon being the torch you’re carrying. I don’t want to give away the story yet, but I think it’s quite interesting, an based on an idea I had over 15 years ago!

1 day left and I still haven’t written a line of code. Going great!

For Ludum Dare, the 48-hour game compo.