What’s Rockabilly Head all about?
You can download Rockabilly Head here: Rockabilly Head [PC / OSX Download!]
I thought I’d do an analysis of my own game, as it sprung up so quickly I almost didn’t know what it meant*.
* but then i changed my mind.
nevermind, I just found the .ogg files in the game folder. damn, if this isn’t some seriously some sick minimalist chip-tune deliciousness.
the music in this game is sick. any chance you’ll release it in some other format? also, you should totally let people leave comments without registering first – you’d get lots more. anyway, keep up the good work!
Today I found out that there is a chart that exists called the ‘Rockabilly Head Ending Guide’, so today is a good day.
A really interesting read, that. Both times I finished it with the ”I did the right thing…’’ ending, but I never clocked the death aspect of the game till now.
Anyway, loved your explanation.