Rainbow Star Prize, And Mirrors
First of all I’d just like to finally give Brian Keong, the Rainbow Star Challenge winner, his prize. Nearly half a million players have entered Soularis now, and it makes me so happy. I’m planning to do a bit more of a post-mortem of the game at some point, and I’d also like to share some more press and interview links about it, as it seems to have had a good buzz.
Anyway, he requested a bird character, and here he is, in-game:
Brian, I almost broke the game doing this, so I hope you like him!
Lone Survivor Update
I managed to get a solid build of Lone Survivor into Indiecade this year, one of the main indie game competitions along with IGF. I worked incredibly hard on it for the two months leading up to the deadline, almost going as insane as the protagonist. It probably helped the atmosphere in some ways!
Here’s a little teaser trailer I made (it shows almost nothing of the actual gameplay, that will follow in the real trailer, which should be much better than this one!):
Lone Survivor (Indiecade Teaser Trailer)
The music is by myself and Silver (Sonic & Silver), the VIP mix of Rocket Launcher on Virus Records. It’s not used in-game, for those that hate it (it’s a polarising one.) There’s already 22 original tracks in Lone Survivor, and it’s going to give me a lot of pleasure to finally share them with you guys.
Since submitting to Indiecade I had a little time off playing Yakuza and so on, but I’ve now started back on full-time work on it. It’s getting quicker to make as what I want to do with it is getting clearer in my head.
I’ll leave you with a new screenshot, from the dusty cellar, of the new mirror savegame system: