Oh, what a week!

I have no idea how to word this post. I’m almost out of words, to be honest. I must have typed two million of the things this week, between support emails, promotional emails, emails of thanks, emails of apology, interviews, comments, texts, tweets and posts.

But what a week it’s been! The reviews have been remarkably warm about the game (RPS and Destructoid being a couple of my highlights.)  I can’t find one that hated it, anyway!  And the kind emails and comments you’ve all sent me have honestly made me feel like I’m floating for most of the week.

Sales have gone surprisingly alright – it’s still not recouped its costs, but unlike Soul Brother I keep my IP (intellectual property as opposed to web address.) So if the game continues to sell, it still could!

The bad news was mainly down to one issue – the Black Screen Of Death which started appearing on random users’ Macs (PC’s were unaffected.) This caused an absolute support nightmare, and I’ve spent most of this week writing support emails to people who’ve suffered the issue. Once again I’d like to apologise to anyone this has affected. It’s a problem with Adobe AIR, and it seems like it’s out of my control to fix right now. The ‘Flash projector’ version, which I’ve been supplying customers with as an alternative, has been fine for all users except one so far – he fell victim of the ‘reset browser killing Flash saved games’ issue which caused me to use Adobe AIR in the first place (it provides a way of directly writing and reading files from the system like a ‘real’ application.)  Anyway, the upshot of this is that I’m still looking into it, and I’m going to do some thorough testing on a machine I know doesn’t work pretty soon (‘unfortunately’ it works on mine so it’s hard to test.)

Anyway, things have calmed down to the point I was able to assemble the 19-track OST, and make an album sleeve for it especially. And it gives me great pleasure to announce that it’s NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE on Bandcamp for $6.99! Yay!

Click this pic to go the shop:

Anyway, once again, thankyou so much for your support, kind emails, help and friendship along the way.  I honestly could never have imagined it would go so well, despite the technical problems.

I’m really happy to have made something that’s interesting to you guys, and I’ll keep trying to do the same thing in future!

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  • Comments (35)
  1. avatar
    • Alex
    • May 16th, 2012

    Yesterday have bought the game on Steam and started playing.
    Very impressed with the sick atmosphere and great music! 🙂

  2. avatar
    • Udo Härtel
    • April 30th, 2012

    Hey Jasper,

    I would like to say THANK YOU for this wonderful game.
    A piece of art, truly.

    Cheers and greetings from Dresden, Germany.


  3. avatar
    • Tennou
    • April 24th, 2012

    I bought the game yesterday directly from your site and downloaded it. Sadly afterwards I saw that it is also available on Steam. I want to implement it in my Steam library and not only via the option “add non-steam game to library”. But via the option “enter key to activate a game on steam”. Therefore i need a key, is it possible to contact the support from superflat game, tell them my invoice nunmber and get a key?

    Or other question: Is there ANY way to implement my purchased Lone Survivor copy from your site OFFICALLY into my steam account?

  4. avatar
    • antsch
    • April 22nd, 2012

    Finally bought the game. 🙂 It’s awesome; but I would like to know if and how it is possible to play in windowed mode?
    I have a huge monitor and its difficult to see whats going on – pixels are so big. 😉

    Thank you!

  5. avatar
    • Bones
    • April 22nd, 2012

    Just wanted to say I love the music in this game. You are so talented!

  6. avatar
    • noobs
    • April 21st, 2012

    I really really love your game . Is there any chances for me to buy digital version of it, i hate shipping !

  7. avatar

    Hey there!

    I bought the $10 version of your game after loving the demo. I’m kind of sad that I’m so poor these next couple months or I totally would have bought the $50 version… but alas, I was stretching my budget enough for just the $10.

    Anyhoot, other than seriously praising you for this awesome game (have I mentioned how awesome it is? It’s pretty awesome. :P) I did run into a very minor technical problem. After getting the cat, which I named Sunny, into the house, I tried giving him catfood only to have my character walk to the right a few steps and then stand there until I eventually Alt-F4.

    That’s the only problem I’ve seen so far though. 😀

  8. avatar
    • Eskorbox
    • April 15th, 2012

    Hey man! I’m spanish so my english is not very well. Sorry.

    Just yesterday I discovered your game because a magazine was talking about it. It’s awesome. I really fell in love with Lone Survivor.

    I’m crazy about Silent Hill 2 so I’m going to play Soundless Mountain 2. Really thanks for your games.

    Please, don’t forget another languages for Lone Survivor. It will be completely amazing a spanish translation. I know you are alone making game but when you can, please do it. Better later than never.

    Since yesterday you have a spanish fan. Keep the good work 🙂

  9. avatar
    • Natanji
    • April 15th, 2012

    Hey there,
    the game looks amazing and I really enjoyed the Demo! But then I was quite sad since apparently there is no Linux version available – yet. So thus I’m hereby requesting one – I always thought that once you have a Mac version, Linux shouldn’t be that hard to make, no?


  10. avatar
    • Dadou
    • April 12th, 2012

    Amazing game, I just can’t stop playing it 🙂

  11. avatar
    • MoKuM
    • April 11th, 2012


    I just played the demo, very nice! Are you planning to release the game on Stream? Would really like to buy…

  12. avatar
    • Nupfi
    • April 11th, 2012

    Hello! 🙂
    First of all: the game looks amazing!
    Sooo tempted to buy…
    One question: I would LOVE to see this getting released on Desura… Any hope?

  13. avatar
    • Windstone
    • April 11th, 2012

    Thanks, I’ve tried the demo it’s very interesting 🙂

  14. avatar
    • jfro
    • April 11th, 2012

    Hello Jasper!

    I am making my way through L.S. and so far it has been wonderfully creepy. I was pleasantly surprised that the game did not end when I made it outside…

    But I think you might want to update your superflat.com front page: You still list Soul Brother and Amnesia as unfinished games – false information for all your new fans you are surely getting!


  15. avatar
    • Michael
    • April 10th, 2012

    I´ed love to see an upgrade to collectors edition option.

  16. avatar
    • superflat
    • April 10th, 2012

    @GG – Apparently Fastspring don’t support Paysafe. Also, as I’ve given the game a voluntary rating of 15, it means it would cause a lot of issues if I opened up payment to minors, even though I can appreciate how frustrating it must be for those in your position. I’m really sorry I don’t have a better answer for you.

    @Josh, unfortunately not. Although it seems to be gathering momentum, in that more and more people are reporting it on other AIR applications, as well as Lone Survivor. Hopefully Adobe will produce an official fix soon.

    @William, although it’s not designed to do so, apparently running the game with command line argument ‘-w’ works on Windows. I can’t confirm this myself yet, though.

    @Windstone, until the game is confirmed for Steam I can’t tell you for sure, I just don’t know what their normal practise is, having not worked with them before. If I’m accepted, I’ll ask about it for sure!

  17. avatar
    • Windstone
    • April 9th, 2012

    Hi Jasper:

    I am wondering if I purchase Lone Survivor now, will I get a steam key if it is released at steam?


  18. avatar
    • William
    • April 9th, 2012

    I’m trying to get the game to run in windowed mode but can’t seem to find the setting for it. Can anyone assist?

  19. avatar
    • Josh
    • April 9th, 2012

    Have you figured out the issue with the black screen of death yet? The fix is great, except i lost my saves when i cleared my cache.

  20. avatar
    • Jacob
    • April 8th, 2012

    Sound and graphics is great!
    I think the first rate story , graphics , sound and gaming exprience is the most important thing to all games, whether they are 3D or 2D or pixel style.
    A fan from China.

  21. avatar
    • GG
    • April 7th, 2012


    thanks =D, paysafe make it possible to buy stuff online without having a paypal account or a creditcard.

  22. avatar
    • superflat
    • April 7th, 2012

    Sorry about that GG! I must have missed your email, there were so many coming in in the first week or so that a few slipped between the cracks…

    I’m looking into different payment options at the moment, and I’ll make an announcement as soon as I’ve decided what I’m going to do. I haven’t actually heard of Paysafe before now, and I’m not sure if it’s supported by Fastspring, who currently handle the payments on my site, I’ll ask them, and if it’s possible to add that option, I’ll announce it on twitter (JasperByrne)

    Once again sorry for the late reply, and I’ll see what I can do.



  23. avatar
    • GG
    • April 7th, 2012

    well, you didn’t reply to my email about paysafe…=(

  24. avatar
    • superflat
    • April 6th, 2012


    Hi Dumgui,

    If you’re running on PC, Joy2Key, which is a small download and free, works very well with all game controllers. It takes about a minute to configure, and you’re up and running.

    For anyone wanting to setup Joy2Key, please use the survival guide to map the keys:

    Lone Survivor Survival Guide

  25. avatar
    • Matt
    • April 5th, 2012

    I am so glad this game is finally out and I am looking forward to playing it tomorrow
    and hopefully some sleepless nights in the days to come

  26. avatar
    • Dumgui
    • April 4th, 2012

    Played the demo, and while this game has quite a bit of promise, the keyboard controls are a bit too klunkey for my taste. Controller support would solve this though, so I will not buy this game until it has controller support.

  27. Congratulations on getting the soundtrack ready! I was worried it would never see the light of day after reading about your hard disk crash earlier, so I was actually already in the process of assembling my own unofficial version based on the MP3s embedded in the SWF; I’m glad to be able to scrap that and listen to the official instead!
    Thanks for making a great game with a great soundtrack. Good luck with everything in the future!

  28. avatar
    • Felisc
    • April 4th, 2012

    hey hey.
    so far the 2 hours I’ve spent with the game have been wonderful, really great game.
    Although as mentionned in this post, I’ve some kind of problem that deletes my save. so in fact I’ve played twice the first hour of the game. I’m waiting for a fix to continue ! But hey, no rush, obviously working alone doesn’t make things easy.
    but yeah, cheers, great game … (still aaargh i want to continue the game) 🙂

  29. avatar
    • Gabriel
    • April 3rd, 2012

    Dear Jasper Byrne

    Thank you for the most engrossing and unsettling game I have played in years,the notion of my characters mental health deteriorating had me speaking to my lovely sleepy kitty a lot, good job man.

    I’m playing on a mac and its working just A-OK, i haven’t had to stop playing a game because of feeling unsettled since the REmake. i still love it so much, the graphics, the feel, the soundtrack, the mystery <3,




  30. avatar
    • Sefam
    • April 3rd, 2012

    Bought the ost! Awesome!

  31. avatar

    Glad to see the game out. I bought the collectors edition! 🙂

    Congrats again on the release!

  32. avatar
    • Mike Leisz
    • April 3rd, 2012


    Somehow you have tapped into my pleading subconscious and made the game I have been waiting years to play. There were times I wanted to cry from happiness during last night’s first playthrough, at the near stupid awesomeness of your game. You, simply put, are the man. Thx!

  33. avatar
    • Lucas
    • April 3rd, 2012

    So, sorry for asking again, no steam? I’m sure that would really bump your sales, and your games deserves that. (:

  34. avatar

    Hey Jasper,

    I am a college developer, and I stuck in my strategy game for about 5 years. It’s hard to squeeze some time in a chinese student’s spare time.
    But when I read about your developer’s log about the survivor gam, I found I was not the only one who is willing to spend so long a time to make a game. I will carry on, though it will or it may be my first game, I’ll fight to the bitter end…

  35. avatar
    • Asger Jacobsen
    • April 3rd, 2012

    Hey Jasper!

    I’m really enjoying your game on my mac. Had the same problem as the others, but the projector version is fine 🙂
    I really just want to congratulate you on a job well done! The gameplay, the style and the atmosphere. So good! And I’m enjoying the OST as I write this, and it’s great!

    Keep it up!

    Greetings from one of your fans from Denmark.


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